Chem-Map Jackman Institute Scholar In Residence Program

Chem-Map Jackman Institute Scholar In Residence Program


May 31 2022


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Chem-Map Jackman Institute Scholar In Residence Program

(Month-long) In Toronto, urbanization hides the chemical infrastructures of settler colonialism on which the city is literally built. Using our dataset of 900 historical petrochemical storage and manufacturing sites in the old city centre, in this Jackman Humanities Institute Scholar In Residence Project, a team of undergrads supervised by Zoë Wool and Sophia Jaworski, will create a website with interactive map, data sharing tools, and critical contextual resources allowing visitors to grapple with the toxic legacies of colonialism in Tkoronto (Toronto). A great fit for students committed to feminist, anti-colonial, and environmental or data justice practices, and/or into sociocultural anthropology or STS approaches to toxicity. Preferred skills: excel/data management, organization, and collaboration. Prior experience with archival research, GIS, StoryMaps welcome but not required.

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